Workers Compensation Law

If you were seriously injured on the job or suffered from a job-related medical condition, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These may include medical benefits and monthly income payments until you can return to work. Construction work is by far one of the most dangerous occupations. Construction site accidents kill and injure […]

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Work Injury Compensation

Work Injuries The word “injury” is very broad. It includes everything from sudden injuries like broken limbs or pulled muscles to injuries that take a long time to surface, like asbestosis (from repeated exposure to asbestos) or repetitive stress conditions (from typing too much). Examples of injuries that qualify and injuries that don’t: If you […]

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Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination – Illegal Basis for Discharge The employment violation known as wrongful termination occurs when an employee is terminated based on an unlawful purpose. In some states, wrongful termination is called wrongful discharge. Unlawful termination laws come from both federal and state anti-discrimination laws and are rooted in the earlier Civil Rights Acts. At-Will Employment […]

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Dyslexics In The Workplace

If you manage a team of 15 people, one of them will likely have dyslexia. Despite how common this learning difficulty is, employer support for people with dyslexia has mostly been limited to large corporations. Your organization is probably competing for the same type of prospective employees, so having a lackluster neurodiversity inclusion program, or […]

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Wage Hours And Leave Laws

This article summarizes some of the major issues involving wage and hour laws, sick leave, and vacation time. Most of the labor laws will depend on your own state’s labor laws, and other laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act are federal laws. Federal Laws Set Minimum Standards Federal law provides the legal […]

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Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a specific kind of employment discrimination. It occurs when someone at your workplace, such as a supervisor or coworker, says or does something to make an employee feel uncomfortable or intimidated. This article includes a brief history and summary of sexual harassment in the workplace and the legal rights […]

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Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance aims to provide laid-off workers with temporary financial assistance. Each state administers its unemployment insurance program based on federal unemployment guidelines and requirements. How To File For Unemployment You will need to file for unemployment online, by telephone, or in person at your local unemployment office. Be prepared to provide them with information […]

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Asbestos Poisoning And Lawyers

Manufacturers of asbestos products have known for decades that their effect was harmful and many cases, deadly. Unfortunately, these companies concealed rather than disclosed what they knew about their products. While corporations have been shielded by criminal prosecution, they can still be held liable under civil law.  This article covers the basics of asbestosis poisoning and […]

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Van Dwellers – Alternative Paths

Living Off The Grid – Van Dwellers While most people in life-changing trouble are doing their best to return to their previous way of life before their troubles began, many have taken the opportunity to actually “opt out” of the system entirely. They have become van dwellers. They have chosen an alternative pathway. Van dwelling […]

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Types Of Personal Injury Liability

Most torts are based on a theory of liability called negligence. Other tort theories of civil liability include strict liability and intentional wrongs. For example, a battery is defined as the unlawful or offensive touching of another without their consent which is both a civil wrong and a criminal act. This article covers the basic […]

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